Southern Backing, Inc.

founded in 1986

2290 Cleveland Highway, Dalton, GA

We source and deliver woven primary and secondary carpet backing in any width, pick count, weight, and color. Primary backing is the layer in which tufting takes place, including for Residential, Hospitality, Commercial, Turf, and Walk off mats.

Xavan® manufactured by DuPont

A nonwoven fabric, Xavan® is a spunbond polypropylene used in the flooring industry as a primary backing to add dimensional stability and to mitigate needle deflection in tufting. Southern Backing has been the distributor into the flooring industry for DuPont since 2004.

We also provide woven poly products into a variety of other industries for multiple applications. Some of these include landscaping, construction, and shipping liners.

“Our company has years of experience with carpet backing and timely delivery.”

Ross Burger

Southern Backing
